
The Arctic needs digital infrastructure

Yaroslav Bogdanov, Сhairman of the Board of the Fund for Protection of Investors' Rights in Foreign States

As a representative of the Arctic Council (AC), Russia should focus on digital infrastructure, states Yaroslav Bogdanov, Chairman of the Board of Fund for Protection of Investors' Rights in Foreign States.

The Arctic Council's agenda is quite broad: from preserving the cultures and crafts of indigenous peoples to monitoring global warming. At the same time, some not very friendly members and observers of the Council are trying to lead the efforts to a problem of militarization of the Arctic. But a whole range of problems in the Arctic macro-region and a mass of consequences - from environmental to humanitarian - cannot be discussed in a qualified manner without a proper information basis, which, in turn, is gained with the help of digitalization.

Russia has everything to create a digital platform, solidarity and response from EU members will make the Arctic breakthrough possible, Yaroslav Bogdanov is sure. With the help of high-precision monitoring, it is possible to ensure control over all areas - from climate to medicine and education.

— The development of digital infrastructure will improve quality of life in the region. A huge role in  modern information agenda is now assigned to environmental topic.
International cooperation on the development of the Arctic may also affect policy of the United States, also a member of the AC. According to Yaroslav Bogdanov, in the nearest future Washington may abandon the use of sanctions as mechanisms hindering the sustainable development of the Arctic region.

The Global Digital Alliance (GDA), which the Chairman of the Board of the Fund for the Protection of Investors' Rights in Foreign Countries calls for, will allow to use tools to protect the interests of the digital industry in practice. The International Digital Alliance offers a fundamentally new approach, where the latest blockchain technologies will be applied on the terms of transparency, equality and strict compliance with international law.

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